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Why Does an Ultrasound Matter if I’m Considering Abortion?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy, it’s understandable to want to make a quick decision to ease the uncertainty and stress. However, taking a step back and giving yourself time to learn all you can is crucial in making a safe and informed choice. No matter what decision you’re considering, getting an ultrasound first is

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The Role of Support Systems When Considering Abortion

Facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion is a deeply personal decision that can bring up a range of emotions. However, having a strong support system can make a significant difference during this time. This article will explore the different roles support systems play when you’re considering abortion. Looking for a safe space to talk

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What Is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

Think you might be pregnant? Taking a pregnancy test is your first step in finding out. There are two different types of pregnancy tests: blood and urine. While urine pregnancy tests are more common and widely available, there are certain situations where you might need a blood pregnancy test. Read on to learn the difference

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How to Tell Your Boyfriend and Family You Are Pregnant

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant is overwhelming enough, let alone the added stress you’re likely feeling as you think about telling your boyfriend and family the news. We get it. But it’s important to know that there are steps you can take to feel more prepared—and less out of control. 1. Prepare Yourself Emotionally Before

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How Do I Support My Friend Experiencing an Unexpected Pregnancy?

If your friend is facing an unexpected pregnancy, she’s likely feeling scared, uncertain, and overwhelmed. But your support can make a significant difference in helping her navigate this challenging period. Here are five ways to be there for your friend and provide meaningful support. 1. Listen Without Judgment The most important thing you can do

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When Should I Take a Pregnancy Test?

Do you think you might be pregnant? Taking a pregnancy test is the first step in finding out. However, knowing when to take a pregnancy test can be nerve-wracking. This article will help you determine the best time to test for accurate results. Or, if you’re looking for free pregnancy testing and a safe, confidential

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How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and haven’t told your parents yet, you’re probably feeling a lot of emotions right now—anxious about the future, scared about what your parents will think, worried about how they’ll react. This is all understandable. However, stopping to take a deep breath can help you think more clearly right now.

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What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

We’ve all seen movies where a woman is suddenly feeling sick to her stomach or puking for no reason, and comes to find out she’s pregnant. If this sounds familiar, you might be worried that you’re pregnant—and you’ve likely been searching the internet for early pregnancy symptoms. While taking a pregnancy test and follow-up ultrasound

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What Is the Abortion Pill?

The abortion pill is actually a combination of two powerful drugs that work together to terminate and expel a pregnancy from your uterus. If you’re considering taking the abortion pill, it’s critical to learn all you can to ensure you make an educated decision and protect your health. This article will explore the essentials you

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Can I Buy the Abortion Pill Online?

Although the abortion drugs are available online, the FDA advises against it. Doing so puts your health and safety at risk.  This article will discuss why seeking abortion drugs online is risky and how to protect your health before making a pregnancy decision. But if you’re looking for free pregnancy resources or want to talk

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