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What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

We’ve all seen movies where a woman is suddenly feeling sick to her stomach or puking for no reason, and comes to find out she’s pregnant. If this sounds familiar, you might be worried that you’re pregnant—and you’ve likely been searching the internet for early pregnancy symptoms.

While taking a pregnancy test and follow-up ultrasound are the only ways to know for sure if you’re pregnant, there are common early pregnancy symptoms that many women experience.

This article will highlight the top early pregnancy symptoms. But it’s important to know that not every woman experiences every pregnancy symptom—and just because you are having pregnancy symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you’re pregnant (certain health conditions can mimic an early pregnancy).

Top Symptoms of Early Pregnancy

During early pregnancy, your body is flooded with unique hormones that stop your period and create a hospitable internal environment for a pregnancy to thrive. However, these hormones can cause uncomfortable symptoms that include:

  • Missed menstrual period: This is often the first symptom of pregnancy. If you’ve been waiting for a period that hasn’t arrived, you might be pregnant.

  • Tender, swollen breasts: Is your bra fitting tighter lately? Are your breasts more sensitive than usual? While this can happen right before your period, it can also be an early pregnancy symptom.

  • Increased urination: If you’re running to the bathroom more than usual, it could mean you’re pregnant. During pregnancy, your blood volume increases, which causes your kidneys to work harder and output more urine.

  • Moodiness: Laughing one minute and crying the next? More irritable than usual? Moodiness is another sign of early pregnancy thanks to those hormones.

  • Nausea with/without vomiting: If you’ve been sick to your stomach lately with no known reason (like food poisoning, sickness, etc.), you might be pregnant—especially if other early pregnancy symptoms accompany this feeling.

Next Steps

If you missed a period this month and are experiencing any other pregnancy symptoms, it’s critical to take a pregnancy test.

At Relevant Pregnancy Options Center, we offer free pregnancy testing to give you the clarity you need right now. Contact us today to schedule your free, confidential appointment.

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